
Teletalk Bangladesh Limited is the only state-owned GSM, 3G, LTE based mobile phone operator in Bangladesh that started operating in 2004 and expansion it's network coverage all over the country. We have developed an excessive partnership with Pridesys IT Ltd. and their team of professionals to assist us in aligning our business processes with IT service for seamless integration and management visibility throughout all levels of the organization. We now have an appreciation of the value of true data management as we are able to look at real time data anytime/anywhere and turn it into the information for data analysis for market as well as customer demand forecast and management decision support and serve our subscriber in the most effective manner. Moreover, we are enjoying the benefits of having one fully integrated ERP solution with no 'bolt-ons,' we have also implemented the online based Dealer Management Solution that has allowed us to achieve 360-degree centralized distribution management.

Mohammad Jashim Uddin

Manager, Teletalk Bangladesh Limited
