Top Five GIS Software And Usage

Top Five GIS Software And Usage

A geographic information system (GIS) is a system that creates, manages, analyzes, and maps all kinds of data. GIS interfaces data to a map, integrating location data (where things are) with all kinds of enlightening information (what things are like there). This gives a foundation to mapping and analysis that is utilized in science and almost every industry. GIS assists clients with understanding patterns, relationships, and geographic setting. The advantages incorporate superior communication and effectiveness, as well as better management and independent direction.

How GIS Used?

what is gis

Countless organizations in virtually every field are utilizing GIS to make maps that communicate, perform analysis, share information, and take care of complicated issues around the world. This is changing the way the world works.

1. Identify problems

Illuminate issues that are driven by geography. In this story, maps and visualizations connect present-day environmental inequalities to redlining policies.

2. Monitor change

Visualize and communicate change. This story uses maps to show how humans impact our warming planet and shares what we can do to create a more sustainable future.

3. Manage and respond to events

GIS delivers real-time situational awareness. The maps in this story help us understand the spread of COVID-19 and the global impact of the pandemic.

4. Set priorities

By analyzing soil health, farmers can determine when and where to plant certain crops, maximizing yield while minimizing environmental impact.

5. Understand trends

Visualize data with GIS to gain insights that might be missed in a spreadsheet. This story uses maps to understand bird populations and migration routes.

How does GIS work?

GIS technology applies geographic science with tools for understanding and collaboration. It helps people reach a common goal: to gain actionable intelligence from all types of data.


1. Maps: Maps are the geographic container for the data layers and analytics you want to work with. GIS maps are easily shared and embedded in apps, and accessible by virtually everyone, everywhere.


2. Data: GIS integrates many different kinds of data layers using spatial location. Most data has a geographic component. GIS data includes imagery, features, and basemaps linked to spreadsheets and tables.


3. Analysis: Spatial analysis lets you evaluate suitability and capability, estimate and predict, interpret and understand, and much more, lending new perspectives to your insight and decision-making.


4. Apps: Apps provide focused user experiences for getting work done and bringing GIS to life for everyone. GIS apps work virtually everywhere: on your mobile phones, tablets, in web browsers, and on desktops.

Top 5 GIS Software:

1. ArcGIS Pro:

ArcGIS Desktop

ArcGIS Pro modernizes GIS with a ribbon interface, 64-bit processing, and 3D integration. It’s a massive overhaul with a focus on quickness, ingenuity, and cartography. Even though ArcGIS Pro is a big machine with lots of moving parts, it earns the top spot.

  • Unified 3D integration
  • Crisp cartography and labeling
  • True integration with ArcGIS Online
  • Contextual smart ribbon interface
  • 64-bit processing
  • Improved and intuitive editing
  • 1500+ geoprocessing tools (35 toolboxes)

2. QGIS 3:


Open source flows in the DNA of QGIS 3. It’s been genetically tailored to break the mold of commercial GIS with equally superior cartography, editing, and analysis tools. It’s not only a great choice because 3D is native as part of QGIS 3. But QGIS plugins still give you the power to analyze with almost endless capabilities.

  • Devoted volunteer community
  • Slick 3D integration
  • Inventive editing, analysis, and mapping tools
  • Large user base and support
  • QGIS plugins add functionality
  • 64-bit processing
  • 900+ tools in total (25 toolboxes)

3. ArcGIS Desktop:

ArcGIS Desktop

ArcGIS Desktop is cutting edge in GIS. It raises the bar to the next level by doing what other GIS software can’t. Its success is that it’s expandable. From field apps to modeling and scripting, ArcGIS Desktop is a powerhouse for all things GIS.

  • Scalability for extra capability
  • Solid geoprocessing framework
  • Beautiful cartography symbology options
  • Full set of editing and topology tools
  • ArcGIS Online for web maps and apps

4. Hexagon Geomedia:

Hexagon Geomedia

Hexagon GeoMedia has 40+ years of history. But lately, it’s taken a bit of a slide. Nevertheless, Geomedia is still solid as GIS software. Especially, when you pair it up with ERDAS Imagine, you get arguably the best suite in remote sensing.

  • Fast querying and analysis
  • Strong cartography with smart labeling
  • Remote sensing with ERDAS Imagine
  • All-purpose mapping with multiple layouts
  • Superior editing with smart snapping
  • Mature software with 40+ years of history

5. MapInfo Professional:

Map Info Professional

At its core, MapInfo Professional is all about locational intelligence. And just like GeoMedia, it’s been a tale of shrinking market share from its rivals. But don’t get fooled. MapInfo Professional is still a well-rounded GIS software suite with more of a business decision-making focus.

  • Ease of use and 64-bit processing
  • Querying and improved table management
  • Powerful addressing and geocoding
  • Side-by-side mapping
  • Improved visualization integration
  • Smart ribbon-based navigation


Read More About: GIS Mapping Tools: How They Work

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