Distribution Management


Polish the way of your business. Pridesys Distribution Management Software provides you the technology to manage a supply chain from starting to the end. Our distribution solution is suitable for single and multi-site, domestic and international operations of distributions. It also enables the maximum control of operations and the inventory controls too.

Key benefits of Pridesys ERP Distribution solutions:

  • Item Tracking- Total tracking control of your product or item from the source to the current location and it also tracks the cost of movement.
  • Supply & Demand analysis– Pridesys ERP Distribution management system includes a sales analysis tool, which will facilitates you with the analysis and forcast the demand, supply or shortage.
  • Source Management– This distribution solution not only track the product or item for you, but also it’s capable of suggesting the eligible source for you. System keeps a track of supplier records along with their item category and price history.
  • Total Solution– It’s a total order-fulfilment process. It includes facilities like purchase order status, quotation management, estimation or serial/lot number tracking at every ends.
  • Offers remote access from anywhere at any time, which reduce the miscommunication and work redundancy and ensure the team work.

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Case Management


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